If you are not satisfied with the item, you may return it within 30 days for replacement or refund. Buyers should be responsible for the cost of the return. Before returning the item, please contact us.
- If all received goods are visibly damaged or other than described, please email us within 48 hours of their arrival. We are happy to arrange an exchange.
-We offer replacement or refund (based on different conditions to partial or full refund) for any defective item (excluding damage due to accident / misuse / abuse / improper care). A photo is needed for our reference.
- If your item is not working properly, please report the problem to us within 14 days from the date of receipt by e-mail. We will give you the instructions to receive a replacement or return your item for a refund if the item is confirmed to be defective.
-All returned items should be sent with original packaging!
We will refund the money back to you after receive the return package in good condition in 24 Hours ,Thanks for your understanding